Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ringtones and Dating

Who knew changing a ringtone and text tone could mean so much? I never thought about it until last week. That's when I made the conscious decision to give the man I'm seeing his own tones. It may seem insignificant to some, but not to me. I've never given a guy I was dating his own tone. Actually, the only person that has their own ringtone in my phone is my ex - so I can mentally prepare myself to deal with supreme tool time upon answering.

First was the decision to personalize his tone, then came the harder decision about what song to choose. I'll leave it my secret, but it's reflective of how I feel right now. I had an earlier post about the power of "delete," now it's the power of a ringtone! (A much more positive technological rite of passage.)

As for how I'm feeling, I have to admit this is something new. Since my divorce I've had two semi-serious relationships and this doesn't even compare. I'm sad to say that it doesn't even compare to my last marriage. It's a whole new ballpark. The best way I can describe it is for the first time I'm in a relationship that calms me inside. For the first time I'm honestly content. That's little nagging voice inside of me has been silenced.

To be honest, I feel trepidatious about saying any of this - like I'll jinx it somehow. But I also feel the need to document it, mark it down to make it more real. I've never met anyone like him and no one has ever treated me as well as he does. I actually feel cared about, cared for. What a concept, huh?

I'm sure many of you have already experienced this, are experiencing this. Hope you feel as fortunate as I do. I actually caught myself humming earlier. Where did that come from?!

So, all my friends that have traveled this bumpy road of single life with me (in writing at least), keep your fingers crossed that this isn't too good to be true. I know I am. And maybe take a second look at your ringtones.