Sunday, April 17, 2011

Once more ...

To quote Shakespeare's Henry V, "Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more."  I have officially re-entered the world of online dating. Yes, I'm a glutton for punishment. Yes, it's become almost a personal dare or challenge to me. But I am going about it a bit differently this time. No more freebie dating sites and the dregs of the universe that inhabit them. There were some good guys, but they were few and far between! 

My last bout of online dating left me burned out and disenfranchised. So I decided to try again. I had actually had a good experience last time around, so I'm hoping lightning will strike twice - with a little more electricity this time around so it sticks.
After my one date with my 29-year-old friend (fun but fleeting), I've already had two dates this weekend. One good, one close to human torture. Not water-boarding, mind you, but mind-numbing.  Friday night was the great one. Intelligent, creative, great sense of humor and good-looking. Jackpot! We talked so long we were some of the last people, who weren't staff, to leave. Good sign. And it was. He called the next day to ask if he could make me dinner next week.  I couldn't say yes fast enough! I can't remember the last time someone cooked dinner for me that wasn't family.

Saturday night was highly unfortunate. I was willing to overlook he was 3 inches shorter than me, that he didn't graduate college, that he has a more major thing for shoes than most women I know! He was funny and very well-dressed. Two things, I soon discovered, he uses to hide the fact that he's over-compensating for the height thing. Napoleon complex anyone?! 

I posted on Facebook today that he was the human embodiment of the maligned Scrappy-Doo. And he was! He was overly exuberant, kept mentioning people he wanted to kill or beat up because they "wronged him" and honestly never let me finish a sentence. And at one point he kept bragging that a waiter at the bar wanted to "do" his daughter. He felt so strongly about it he mentioned that fact three times. Ick.

I was going to have a third for the weekend today, but after speaking to the candidate on the phone soon realized that going on a date would be a bad idea. Too many uncomfortable pauses on the phone. The dude was 53, you'd think he wouldn't get nervous talking to girls on the phone anymore. So I emailed him a really nice (as nice as it can be) cancellation email. But he kept emailing me wanting me to explain, twice. Talk about a glutton for punishment! 
So anyway, I choose to relish the good date and block out the hyperactive toddler. And I've got two new dates this coming week.  Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. The best thing about online dating is the bad dates make for good blogs, and the good dates make for ... well, good dates. Win-win!
